Someone once told me that people will repeat 80% of what you do wrong and 20% of what you do right. I don't know how true that is, but when I watch my own child imulate my actions, I can see that she has picked up the good AND the bad.
I have made two handouts. The first I wasn't satisfied with, so I made a second. I also made a handout with the scriptures. See an example below....
Here is the first handout in jpg.
Here is the first handout in pdf.
Here is the second handout in jpg.
Here is the second handout in pdf.
Here are the chalkboard labels in pdf.
Here are the scriptures in pdf. This was my first hand in being creative with word art. (I don't know how to share it in pdf... I'm wondering if I share the pdf file, doesn't the other person need to have my fonts? There must be a secret way of sharing it so that isn't necessary. If someone will let me know how to save the document in pdf so that the person downloading the file doesn't need the same fonts I used, then I will share it that way, too.)
Scripture John 3:15 in jpg
Scripture 1 Timothy 4:12 in jpg
Scripture 1 Peter 2:21 in jpg
Scripture Matthew 5:16 in jpg