About a year ago I had asked someone online how I could share my pdf files through my blogs since I do not have a website from which to link them. I was recommended to scribd. It took me a bit of time to figure out how to find the actual pdf version and when I did I always shared those links. Between the food storage, FHE, and YW blogs, I've had quite a few links and enjoyed scribds services until suddenly my visitors started notifying me that my links were requiring a secret password???
Apparently, there was a "bug" in their system that was allowing me to use their service to store my pdfs and that's not what they meant to be offering. Since I'm not a fan of their Ipaper, being controlled, or forcing those who want to see my docs to have an account with scribd, I've stopped using their site. I prefer the customary links to PDF's without passwords or confusing Ipaper - just a clean, simple share consistent with all other web sharing PDF docs found on the Internet. So, some of those old links may or may not work.
Now I've started using Zoho Viewer. Let me know if you run into any troubles so that I can fix them. Any alternative free storage sites for PDF files would be welcomed.
There, I've vented. :)

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