Sorry this week's YW handout is late!! I had done a bunch in advance because I had finals!! Well, they all ran out!! So, I will get back on track and get them done on time!!
This weeks lesson is Lesson: 32 Service in the Community.
Elder L. Tom Perry said: “We have been blessed with the light of the gospel to lead us and to guide and direct our lives. Through our understanding and study of the scriptures, we have a knowledge of the laws of the Lord by which we should govern our earthly conduct. With this great blessing comes an obligation to be part of the communities in which we live. Our influence should be felt to safeguard the moral standards in the villages, in the towns, and in the cities where our homes are located in all parts of the world. I challenge you to become involved in lifting the moral standards of the communities where your homes are” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1977, p. 89; or Ensign, May 1977, p. 61).
Handout made using Whispering of Spring you can find this super cute here.
Download the handout here.